
Execution of Share Purchase Agreement

August 10, 2023 By Admin

Share Purchase Agreement: A Guide to Execution

A share purchase agreement (SPA) is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a share purchase transaction. It is an essential document that legally binds the buyer and seller and sets out their respective obligations. The execution of an SPA is a crucial step in any share purchase transaction, and it is important that it is done correctly to ensure the transaction is completed successfully.

In this article, we will discuss the execution of an SPA and the steps involved in the process.

Step 1: Review the SPA

Before the execution of an SPA, it is important to review the document thoroughly. The buyer and seller must ensure that all the terms and conditions of the transaction are clearly stated in the agreement. They should also ensure that the SPA complies with all the relevant legal requirements and regulations.

Step 2: Sign the SPA

Once the review process is complete, the buyer and seller must sign the SPA. They may sign the document in person or electronically, depending on the agreement between the parties. Electronic signatures are becoming increasingly popular, and in many jurisdictions, they are legally binding.

Step 3: Witness the Signing

In most cases, the signing of an SPA must be witnessed by a third party. The witness must be independent and have no financial interest in the transaction. The witness is required to sign the SPA after the buyer and seller have signed it, to attest that they witnessed the signing of the agreement.

Step 4: Exchange the Signed SPA

Once all parties have signed the SPA, it is important to exchange the signed document. The buyer must receive a copy of the signed SPA, and the seller must receive a copy of the signed document. This is usually done electronically, and the exchanged documents are considered valid and legally binding.

Step 5: Pay the Purchase Price

After the SPA has been executed, the buyer must transfer the purchase price to the seller. This may be done through various payment methods, including wire transfer, cash, or cheque. The payment must be made in accordance with the terms of the SPA.

Step 6: Transfer of Shares

Once the payment has been received, the seller must transfer the shares to the buyer. This may involve the updating of a share register and/or transferring ownership of electronic shares. The method of share transfer will depend on the type of shares being transferred and the jurisdiction in which the transaction is taking place.


The execution of an SPA is a critical step in any share purchase transaction. It is important that the buyer and seller ensure that they have reviewed and agreed to all the terms and conditions of the SPA before signing it. The signing of the SPA must be witnessed by an independent third party, and the exchanged documents must be considered legally binding. Finally, payment must be made in accordance with the agreement, and the transfer of shares must be completed. By following these steps, buyers and sellers can ensure that their share purchase transactions are completed successfully.